專業(yè)英文名: Master of Statistics
學 制:2.00 年
學 費:自然科學
領 域:自然科學
美國佛羅里達州立大學統計學碩士課程教授給學生統計學領域的專業(yè)知識與實用技能。統計學碩士非常重視培養(yǎng)學生把理論知識靈活應用到實際工作中去的能力,這就為學生未來就業(yè)打下了扎實的基礎。美國佛羅里達州立大學統計學碩士課程的學制為兩年,統計學碩士教授的主要科目包括應用統計學,分配理論與推理,統計推斷,數據管理與分析,統計中的計算方法,應用統計。 1. The master degree in the applied statistics track is for a student preparing for a career as an applied statistician or as a statistical consultant at the MS level. This program emphasizes statistical methodology and consulting. The graduate degree received is a Master of Science in statistics. 2. The master degree in the mathematical statistics track places an additional emphasis upon probability theory and statistical inference. This degree prepares graduates to function as statisticians at the MS level. It is also a preparatory program for the PhD degree in statistics. 3. The MS in biostatistics degree prepares students to apply statistical principles, processes, applications, and analytical methods to design, implement, and analyze health related studies including both experimental (clinical trials) and observational (epidemiological) studies. The graduate degree received is a Master of Science in biostatistics. 4. The Master of Science in Statistical Data Science emphasizes hands-on training in the application of statistical methods and the use of computational and analytic software for employment in the emerging field of data science.
美國佛羅里達州立大學統計學碩士課程入學要求: 學術要求: 大學畢業(yè),擁有學士學位,GPA不低于3.0分。 語言要求:雅思總分不低于6.5分或托??偡植坏陀?0分。 美國佛羅里達州立大學統計學碩士課程申請材料: 畢業(yè)證、學位證掃描件/在讀證明; 成績單(在校成績、語言成績); 個人陳述; 銀行存款證明; 翻譯件(所有中文申請材料的翻譯件,并加蓋公章); 2-3封推薦信
美國佛羅里達州立大學統計學碩士課程設置: 應用統計學,分配理論與推理,統計推斷,數據管理與分析,統計中的計算方法,應用統計。 Statistics in Applications I Statistics in Applications II Distribution Theory and Inference Statistical Inference Data Management and Analysis with SAS Computational Methods in Statistics I Statistics in Applications III Time Series and Forecasting Methods
美國佛羅里達州立大學統計學碩士就業(yè)方向: 統計學家、數學家、教育與培訓、科學研究、企業(yè)管理、企業(yè)顧問、政府職員、電子商務、研究所、金融機構等。
佛羅里達州立大學 統計學碩士