專業(yè)英文名: English Language Teaching (MA)
學 制:1.00 年
學 費:工程技術學
領 域:工程技術學
英國德蒙福特大學英語語言教學文科碩士工程(理學碩士)受到英國文化委員會的認可。對于需要一邊工作一邊讀書或兼職讀書的學生,他們可以選擇通過提交論文或完成基于工作的項目來完成碩士學位。英國德蒙福特大學英語語言教學文科碩士工程(理學碩士)的學制為一年,我們的教師有的是國際層面的客座演講人,有的在國外生活并有著豐富的行業(yè)經驗。 Reasons to study English Language Teaching at DMU Leicester The Centre for English Language Learning (CELL) is accredited by the British Council Those working and studying part time can choose between a final dissertation or a work-based project Every member of the English language department is highly qualified, experienced and brings a truly international dimension to their teaching. Most have been guest speakers at conferences throughout the world and have lived and taught extensively abroad CELL is a member of English UK, BALEAP and IATEFL. This course will assure prospective employers not only of your theoretical awareness of ELT-related issues and trends but also of your ability and acumen as a teacher of ELT at the highest level Many of our alumni have gone on to successful careers as tutors, Heads of Study and University lecturers both in the UK and overseas The programme regularly receives excellent reports from external moderators and examiners CELL has strong relationships with overseas English Language providers, which often enhance students’ employment prospects “Worldwide, there are more English teaching jobs than there are native-speaking teachers to fill them.” teachenglishworldwide.com Students who demonstrate a high degree of teaching competence are often employed part-time by CELL for summer schools
英國德蒙福特大學英語語言教學文科碩士課程入學要求: 1,完成大學課程,獲得學士學位。大學專業(yè)為商務、會計、銀行、經濟學或相關專業(yè)。 2,GPA不低于3. 語言要求:雅思總分不低于6.5,單科不低于5.5. You should have a good honours degree or overseas equivalent, in a business, accounting, finance, banking or economics-related subject.
英國德蒙福特大學英語語言教學文科碩士課程設置: 英語課堂教學中的問題與發(fā)展趨勢,英語的輸入與輸出的教學,教學語音學與音系學,英語課程設計,社會與心理語言學。 This course is designed to improve opportunities for teaching English language in a variety of different situations, both in the UK and abroad. It differs from many other mast
英國德蒙福特大學英語語言教學文科碩士就業(yè)方向: 英語教育、作家、報紙雜志,歷史學家,科學研究,外事與外交,公關,人力資源管理,咨詢業(yè),市場營銷,銀行等。 Worldwide, there are more English teaching jobs than there are native-speaking teachers to fill them.” teachenglishworldwide.com There has never been a better tim
德蒙福特大學 工程(理學碩士)