DU的全稱是University of Denver的Communication Studies,即丹佛大學傳播學,下面將詳細介紹DU的的項目特點/院系介紹、DU的的研究領域、DU的的研究生申請要求。
We offer BA, MA and PhD degrees in communication studies. Courses are taught by faculty who are currently doing research in communication studies using qualitative, quantitative and critical approaches.
Our students are given the opportunity to develop critical thinking skills that prepare them to successfully act as ethical, informed and engaged citizens in a world that is becoming increasingly informed by transnationalism and globalization. Throughout their studies at the University of Denver, we foster our students by providing them with opportunities for engagement with the community. For example, our department frequently hosts visiting scholars and provides opportunities for internships.
1、Family and interpersonal communication
2、Culture and communication
3、Rhetoric and ethics